Friday, April 2, 2010

Discovering Tropical North Queenslands Paronella Park

There are so many different exotic experiences to have in this region but perhaps one of the most incredible is the one that you will have if you choose to visit Paronella Park while in the Tropical North Queensland region of Australia. Paronella Park is located in the Mena Creek region of the TNQ and offers a year round experience that will blow your mind.

This park became Paronella Park named for Jose Paronella, a Spanish immigrant, who put alot of effort into developing it in the late 20's and early 30's. It had an attraction that was very future oriented, not seen before, but amongst all the other buildings people got to witness the first privately owned hydro electric fountain system that accessed water from all the fantastic waterfalls in the region. Paronella also planted 7000 trees to help with preservation efforts and make it more naturally aesthetically pleasing. It was available for decades, was closed and abandoned for over 45 years, then discovered all over again in 1993, becoming open to visitors again.

This place known as Paronella Park has much Australian culture and history for visitors to experience, along with the information on a special Spanish immigrant who had amazing creative engineering talent far ahead of his peers. There are many descriptions of the park on the internet for you to see but that does not compare to coming here it see it for yourself.

Both day and night tours are offered, and the admission is valid for a year so you can revisit all over again if you would like to. The tours, both of them, include all the information about Jose and his incredible visions for this area; the evening tour is especially beautiful because all the falls have lighting which will make your pictures stunning.

If you choose the night version of the tour you have the chance to camp out that night or reside in the caravan park. Whichever choice you make this is a definite must see in Tropical North Queensland, fun for the family along with a dose of culture and history.

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